Young Voices Magazine: Guidelines

Our magazine of teen writing and visual art


Young Voices Magazine publishes art, photography, comics, stories, poems and writing. We accept submissions year-round. The deadline for the next issue is March 24, 2025. Send us your work!

Who can submit

Teens ages 12 to 19 who live, work or go to school in Toronto.

Young Voices welcomes creative work from Toronto teens of all genders, orientations, races, abilities and identities.

What can be submitted

Up to two pieces each year: one piece of writing and one visual piece. Related pieces (i.e. artwork submitted in conjunction with writing) will be considered separately.

Written work

Young Voices magazine publishes poems, stories, reviews, nonfiction and more. Maximum length per piece is 1,000 words. Typed entries are preferred, but hand-written is okay too.

Visual work

Young Voices magazine publishes hand-drawn and digital art, paintings, photography, and single-page comics. The magazine is now going to be printed in colour. Note that we do not accept images of copyrighted characters.

Hand-Drawn Artwork, Paintings and Comics:

Digital Artwork and Photography:


We accept submissions year-round. Each spring, teams of teens working with professional writers and artists select work for publication. Before the selection teams see the submissions, we remove creators’ names so they choose from anonymous pieces. In June, we contact contributors whose work has been selected for publication. We only contact those whose work will be published. Young Voices magazine is published annually in the fall.

The deadline for the 2025 issue of Young Voices Magazine is March 24, 2025.
