New voyages to North-America. Containing an account of the several nations of that vast continent; their customs, commerce, and way of navigation upon the lakes and rivers; the several attempts of the English and French to dispossess one another; with the reasons of the miscarriage of the former; and the various adventures between the French, and the Iroquese confederates of England, from 1683 to 1694. A geographical description of Canada, and a natural history of the country, with remarks upon their government, and the interest of the English and French in their commerce. Also a dialogue between the author and a general of the savages, giving a full view of the religion and strange opinions of those people; with an account of the author's retreat to Portugal and Denmark, and his remards on those courts. To which is added, a dictionary of the Algonkine language, which is generally spoke in North-America. Illustrated with twenty-three maps and cuts

1735, Book , 2 volumes :

  1 copy

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