Alles muss man selber machen : (K)ein Frauen-Roman

2023, Book , 382 pages
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Summary/Review: "Legal, illegal – it doesn’t matter! Three friends in search of justice and love Things are getting tough for beautician Nele: first her ex lets her more...
Summary/Review: "Legal, illegal – it doesn’t matter! Three friends in search of justice and love Things are getting tough for beautician Nele: first her ex lets her down, then things are going poorly professionally, and the skyrocketing prices are also tearing deep holes in the budget. When her friends Fiona and Hermione also find themselves in existential distress through no fault of their own, sweet and nice is over. Energetic, fearless and with a little bit of criminal energy, the three women try to keep their families afloat. It's just stupid that Nele meets the police officer Nick now of all times - and that she actually finds him damn attractive... A wonderfully funny novel about three women who have no other chance than to take what they need to live (and love) - typical Ellen Berg!"
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