Lost Library Card

Report a lost card

If your card has been lost or stolen, contact your local branch by phone or in person right away.

If reporting by phone, you will be asked to verify the information we have on record for you, e.g., name, address, date of birth, etc.

How to get a replacement card

To get a new card you will need to bring acceptable name and current address identification on your next visit to the library.

If you find your card after reporting it lost and have not yet been issued a replacement card, visit a branch to have your original card reinstated. You will need to bring the card as well as acceptable name and valid address identification.

Access to online services

When you report that your card has been lost or stolen, we update our systems to ensure that no one can use your old card number.

Account access and placing holds

When you sign into your account, you will see a message indicating that your card has been reported as lost. You will not be able to place holds until you get a replacement card, or find your old card and have it reinstated by staff.

OverDrive eBooks & eAudiobooks

Your OverDrive record will need to be transferred to your new card. This can only be done by staff, so please contact Answerline so they can do it for you.


Sign into Hoopla. Click Settings in the top-right corner, then Library Settings. Enter your new library card number then click Save.


Sign into Kanopy. Hover over the username in the top-right corner and click My Memberships. On the My Memberships page click Active to the right of the Toronto Public Library membership. Enter your new library card number and click Save.

If you are an OverDrive user and you report your card lost, you will not be able to sign in to OverDrive until your old card is found or a new card is issued.

If your old card is reinstated, you will be able to sign in to OverDrive again immediately. If you get a new card, staff will need to contact OverDrive to have them link the new number to your account.