Reproduction Service

Service Update

The Digital Reproduction Service is currently unavailable.

We continue to recover from a cybersecurity incident that disrupted all library systems and technology. As a result, using the library is a little different right now.

Vintage poster being printed from big machine

A fee-based service to order reproductions of items in our collections. You can request high-resolution digital images or books to be digitized.

To find images, explore our Digital Archive or request reproductions of items not yet digitized from our Special Collections & Rare Books and elsewhere in Toronto Reference Library.

Order prints

This service has been temporarily discontinued.

Order digital images

You can download images from our Digital Archive, but ordering a digital image provides our highest-resolution files.

  1. Fill out Digital Reproduction Order Form.
  2. The "Object Number" can be found near bottom of each image's page on our Digital Archive or Digital Archive Ontario


Product PRICE
Digital image (RGB, TIFF format at 600 dpi or custom file type) $25


  • 13% HST charged on final cost

Payment and delivery

  • Payment is required in advance with a credit card.
  • Orders are normally completed within 10 business days. An order with multiple items may take longer, and orders are processed on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • You'll receive notification when your order is complete.
  • Your order will be delivered for free using an document-delivery service, accessible from a link sent to your email.

Rules and conditions

  • Important: Toronto Public Library can neither grant nor deny permission to copy or publish photographs and other reproductions purchased from us. It is your obligation to determine and satisfy copyright or other usage restrictions (such as donor restrictions, privacy rights, publicity rights, licensing and trademarks).
  • If the reproduction process will cause damage to the original item, we will be unable to fulfill the request.
  • If your reproduction is published, the credit line "Courtesy of Toronto Public Library" is appreciated.

Contact us
