Mobile Apps for Library Services

Access library services on your mobile device. All apps require you to sign in with a library card.

Library account access and catalogue search

Put the library website on your phone

Add the TPL website to your device’s home screen for quick access to searching and your account.

Step-by-step instructions

eBooks and audiobooks

OverDrive eBooks & eAudiobooks

Download ebooks directly to your device. OverDrive is available through the Libby app.

Cantook Station

Download French ebooks and audiobooks directly to your device with the Aldiko Next app.


Download local and indie ebooks from self-published authors.

Magazines and newspapers

Flipster Magazines

Flipster offers current issues of popular magazines.

Access to the latest news articles from the New York Times newspaper. Create a profile on and borrow a pass before getting started with the app. Library passes will allow you 72 hours of complimentary access.


PressReader provides online access to newspapers and magazines from over 100 countries in over 60 languages. Create a profile with PressReader before getting started with the app. Access through the library first, then through the app for a 1 day and 23 hours pass.

Movies, TV and music


Stream classic cinema, indie films and top documentaries to your phone, tablet, or smart TV device.


Stream music, movies, television episodes and comics to your phone, tablet, or smart TV device, or download for offline viewing.

Naxos Music Library

Streaming classical music. Log into the Naxos Music Library website and create a playlist before getting started with the app.

Naxos Music Library Jazz (NML Jazz)

Streaming jazz. Log into the Naxos Music Library Jazz website and create a playlist before getting started with the app.

Naxos Music Library World (NML World)

Streaming music from around the world. Log into the Naxos Music Library World website and create a playlist before getting started with the app.


LinkedIn Learning

Stream video tutorial courses led by experts on web design, software development, photography, project management and more. Access LinkedIn Learning from and create a profile on the LinkedIn Learning website before getting started with the app.

To use the LinkedIn Learning app:

Mango Languages

Language courses for English speakers and ESL courses for non-English speakers.

Create a profile on the Mango Languages website before getting started with the app.

Articles and online research


Over one hundred do-it-yourself legal forms specific to Ontario and Canada. Accessible through the Libby app by tapping and scrolling down to “Extras.”