Transnational and cross-border criminal law : Canadian perspectives

2023, Book , xviii, 589 pages ;
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Summary/Review: "This new collection of essays discusses some of the many issues arising in the complex area of transnational and cross-border criminal law -- in part more...
Summary/Review: "This new collection of essays discusses some of the many issues arising in the complex area of transnational and cross-border criminal law -- in particular, within the context of Canadian criminal law. Professor Robert Currie, Canada's foremost expert in the field, has gathered an inspired set of papers from a stellar group of legal experts whose work touches crime that transcends borders. This book could not be more timely. Criminal activity is increasingly internationalized, but most crimes that engage international law, cross-border law, and transnational law issues are prosecuted domestically; such issues are increasingly part of the mainstream work of the practising criminal lawyer. Issues of jurisdiction, obtaining evidence, and the application of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms all come to the forefront in transnational or cross-border investigations and prosecutions. They are interesting and worthy of study, not least because of the increasing need for practical application. This book, with its multidisciplinary approach, will assist those practicing in the field of domestic criminal law to identify the importance of the application of international law when faced with it -- and perhaps more importantly, when to search for it. It provides sage advice on a broad variety of transnational criminal law matters, and especially identifies that the offences do not exist within silos, but often have related crimes and issues"--
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